consumer consulting

The natural, organic, green, eco, fair, local, sustainable marketplace can be a MAZE! It is difficult to know what really counts, which companies are actually worth supporting, when to be vigilant and when to give it a break.

Whether you would like to know the simple basics on buying good products or have specific product/services searches to fulfill your lifestyle needs, Obtainable Grapefruit can slice it up for you!

From grapes to gear, we can help you find the best products for your babies and kids, your husband and home and even yourself!

Check out our sample list of some product and service categories we have helped consumers with before. Likely yours is a question we may have tackled before and if not, we’d love to add it to our list!

*natural baby products

*home furnishings for the allergy prone family

*FOOD!  Organic!? Local!? Fair Trade!?

*bodycare (the unregulated market maze…dun Duhn da!)